Why do you get low blood sugar? Diabetes Home Blood Sugar What are blood sugars? Why your blood sugars change When to check your blood sugars What do your blood sugars mean? Low blood sugar What is low blood sugar What does low blood sugar feel like? You think you have low blood sugar. What do you do? Why do you get low blood sugar? High blood sugar What is high blood sugar? Why do you get high blood sugar? What does high blood sugar feel like? What to do when you have high blood sugar You may need to go to the hospital when you have high blood sugar How to check your blood sugar How to use a blood sugar meter CGM Libre You miss a meal. Or You have too much insulin. Like it was too much for the carbs you ate. Or You do exercise you do not plan to. Like a walk a bike ride play sports. Or You drink alcohol. It can be 1 day after drinking alcohol. Sometimes you do not know why your blood sugar went low. That is okay. Talk to your diabetes team when it happens a lot. Back Diabetes Home Next This is general information. Talk to your doctor for information made for you.