The benefits of this research project are:

  • Your story will help us learn how to make going to the GP better
  • You might not have any benefit

The main risk in this research project is keeping your information safe.

  • We keep your name in one file.
  • We keep your health information in another file.
  • This is called re-identifiable data.

If someone broke into the Mater computer system. They might be able to match your name and health information.

  • This is a small risk.
  • We do everything we can at Mater to keep your information safe.

The other risks of this project are:

  • You might be uncomfortable talking about yourself.
  • You might not like being asked questions.
  • Talking about going to the GP might make you sad, upset or bring back bad memories.
  • But you can choose not to answer a question.

It is your choice.

There are people at Mater Hospital. Their job is to make sure research projects are safe. 

  • They have checked this research project.
  • They said it was ok to do.

You can talk to Mater Research Ethics if you are not happy with the way you are working.

You can ask a support person to do this for you

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