People with intellectual disbaility can have yearly health checks

A yearly health check is when your GP checks your health.

They are sometimes called annual health assessments or check ups.

You should have a health check  1  time a year. 

You should do this even if you feel well. 

This is to check your health is good. 


We want to help more people with intellectual disability have yearly health checks.

Our idea is to help nurses do the health checks. We will give nurses

  • Support from another nurse who knows about intellectual disability
  • Training on disability
  • Training on health checks

This is called our intervention


An intervention is like a new way to do things. Or testing out a new idea.

We want to find out if our idea makes health checks better.

To do this we need to put people in two groups.

  • Intervention group
  • Regular group

People in the intervention group will have their nurse help them do their health check

People in the regular group will have their health check in the normal way

We will look at people’s health information in the two groups. We will be able to see if helping nurses made health checks better.

We will also

  • Talk to nurses and ask if they thought it helped.
  • Talk to people with intellectual disability and their support people. We will ask what they thought.



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