Getting health assessments

  • Getting health assessments
  • Going to see a doctor
  • Making health care better

We want to

  • Look at your health information
  • Ask you questions about a health assessment

The people doing the project are:

Everyone on this project works at the Queensland Centre of Excellence in Autism and Intellectual Disability Health (QCEAIDH)

Dr Katie Brooker

Katie looks after the project

Sinead Green

Sinead helps Katie do the project and can help answer questions

Ruby De Greef

Ruby helps with projects. Ruby has an intellectual disability.

Nicolette Farquhar

Nicolette is a specialist intellectual disability nurse. She will help teach nurses how to support patients.

You can ask questions about the project

or ask a support person to do this for you

Then you can chose if you want to be part of the research project. You can:

  • Choose to be part of this research project
  • Choose not to be part of this research project

It is up to you.

What is the project about?

What happens if you take part?

Things you need to know about being in a project

Benefits and risks in research

What are the next steps?

Consent form