Important documents

Download the following documents and sign as required. Sign via pdf or scan as necessary and forward to:

Ensure you sign the following

Participant information and consent form

Access the intervention

Access to online resources

Access to education

Access to specialist intellectual disability nurse

To share with patients with intellectual disability

Participant consent forms and information sheets

Easy Read Intervention

Points of contact

Initial contact

Consent and project information

Our research team will share consent forms, and information sheets for interested participants. 


Pre-education and demographics

Once the intervention has commenced participants in the intervention group will be sent surveys to complete. These will include a knowledge, confidence and attitudes scales and a basic demographic data scale.

Within 4 weeks of a health assessment

Optional interview

Within 4 weeks of completing a health assessment, the research team will reach out to the practice nurse and ask if they would like to complete a short interview about the experience of doing it. 

After intervention

Post-education and optional interview

After the intervention is complete and all education has been finished, participants will be sent the same surveys they did before the education to complete. This will show any changes. They will also be asked if they want to do a short interview about their experience doing the project.

Final contact

Sharing of outcomes

If participants have elected to receive project outcomes, they will be sent them at the completion of the project.